Welcome to FruitPanic!!

FruitPanic!! is a character building multiplayer game! this game has several game modes that will be playable.

The First game mode is the battle royal mode, in this mode you'll choose a character and fight to be the last person standing. Gain equipment and summons cards to further your chance of winning! But becareful event cards will spice up how you play the game at the start of every round.

All characters in this game have an ability and a ultimate, abilities can be used once a round and ultimate's can be used once a game. Each character has 2 classes tied to them, the symbol on the left lets you know if they are a tank, support, or a damage based character. The symbol on the right tells you if they are a Berry (heart icon), Citrus (light blue circle), Drupe (red circle), or Exotic (yellow star). The base game will include over 20+ characters to play!

Event cards are played at the start of every round and can either make or break your strategies, below is just a couple of them but be prepared, the full release will have 100+ events!

Equipment cards give you quick buffs to your defense, attack, healing, etc. Below there are a couple of the cards you'll run into while playing. The game will have 40+ cards for you to mix and match to build as you please!

All summons have an active and a passive tied to them, once you use the active, the card gets discarded, so be sure to use them wisely! The icons on the top explain what type of summon they are, there are Chocolate, Candy, and Pastry summons. You'll have lots of variety in your builds with over 40+ cards to play with!

Fruit Panic!! Duel is the more competitive 1v1 game mode, if you are tired of loosing in battle royal due to randomness you can challenge them in this mode to truly see who is the better player.

Characters work a little differently form their battle royal versions, in this mode all the classes give them special perks! You can choose up to 3 characters to battle with and build a deck around your team of 3. The game will have over 20+ characters you can build your decks around!

Events in Fruit Panic!! Duel are overall passives that you can choose 3 of them to spice up your playstyles! Be careful though, Events effect both you and the enemy player! (art not final)

Equipment in Fruit Panic!! Duel have two separate types of cards. You have cards that you equip onto a character (the symbol with Strawberry on the top right of the card.) and Fast cards (that when played happens before any attack and or card being played.) Equipment cards will 100 unique cards to build your perfect deck with.

Summons function the same as they do in Fruit Panic!! Battle Royal, with very small differences. One of which is they have 1 health instead of 3. Summons are very powerful and can be game winners for you if you build them in your deck, not only that but there will be 50+ summons in the game for you to build your perfect deck out of!

In the future there will be up to 4 game modes you can play with your friends! so keep an eye out for updates on the game!

If you made it this far and you're interested in playing the game, and you have tabletop simulator, click the link below and gather a couple of friends to play the game.